Derry Township Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance Update

Dauphin County, Pennsylvania


Comprehensive Planning
GIS Mapping and Analysis
Pedestrian/Bicycle Connectivity
Public Engagement
Zoning Ordinance Updates


To update the Townships 10 year comprehensive plan and incorporate strategies of the Downtown Hershey revitalization plan.


Derry Township

Prime Consultant

Derck & Edson, LLC

Derry Township hired our team to complete a 10-year Comprehensive Plan and a Zoning Ordinance update. The focus of the planning initiative is to ensure that the nature of redevelopment is compatible with the character, scale and intensity of established development and conservation areas. Transportation planning is an integral component of this comprehensive plan. Land use decisions shape the origins and destinations of future trips, while improvements to the transportation network influence future land use decisions. The key considerations for the community to meet it’s current and future active transportation needs include the following:

  1. Connect residents to schools, jobs, and other destinations within Derry Township and the surrounding region;
  2. Provide safe and convenient access to Derry Township for residents of surrounding communities that travel there regularly to work, shop, or recreate; as well as for out-of-town visitors that travel here for the tourist attractions and regional health care facilities;
  3. Strengthen bicycle and pedestrian connectivity within the community to improve safety, quality of life and public health; and
  4. Provide a framework for future growth and development in the Township that is consistent with the vision and land use goals laid out in the overall Comprehensive Plan.