Emerald View Park Trail Master Plan

Emerald View Park Trail Master Plan Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Services Trail Master Planning Best Management Consulting Implementation/Action Planning Cost Estimating Public Engagement Trail Construction Training and Oversight Purpose To prepare a Master Plan for the development of a comprehensive urban wilderness trail system for the Emerald View Park. Client Mount Washington Community Development Corporation Awards…

Gall Farm County Park Master Plan

Gall Farm County Park Master Plan Northampton County, PA Services Master Planning Public Engagement Trail Design Park Planning Report Preparation Sustainable Design Initiatives Purpose Creating a master site development plan for the 160-acre Gall Farm County Park and planning, site analysis and engineering for the 7-mile Plainfield Recreation Trail. Client Northampton County Prime Consultant Johnson,…

Coral Springs Park and Recreation Master Plan

Coral Springs Parks Master Plan Broward County, Florida Services Parks and Recreation Master Planning Public Engagement Project Team Management Purpose To identify system enhancements and improvements for next 10 years. To outline sustainability planning and design principles and financing as related to administration, projects, facilities and maintenance. Client City of Coral Springs Subconsultant Rebecca L.…

Washington’s Landing Master Plan

Washington’s Landing Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Services Master Planning Design Guideline Preparation Sustainable Design Construction Documentation and Administration Public Engagement Project Team Coordination Purpose To prepare preliminary and final land development plans for submittal to the City of Pittsburgh for the redevelopment of a 42 -acre brownfield site Client The Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh Recognitions…

South Shore Riverfront Park Master Plan

South Shore Riverfront Park Master Plan Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Services Master Planning Site Design and Construction Documentation Cost Estimation Construction Administration Permitting Project Team Management Purpose To develop a memorable, universally accessible gathering space which connects SouthSide Works visitors to the river, Three Rivers Heritage Trail and the Eliza Furnace Trail on the opposing shoreline.…

Southside Works Master Plan & Town Square Design

Southside Works Master Plan & Town Square Design Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Services Master Planning Detailed Site Design Landscape Master Plan Construction Documentation Cost Estimation Sustainable Design Principles Project Team Management Purpose To prepare a Master Plan for the riverfront area and develop landscape architecture and urban design plans for the project’s common areas. To design…

Callicoon Riverside Park

Callicoon Riverside Park Callicoon, New York Services Park Master Site Planning Cost Estimation Construction Documentation Public Engagement Project Management Purpose To create a conceptual design which will provide public access to 48 acres of forests and fields, including 4,000 feet of riverfront along the Upper Delaware River. Client The Trust for Public Land The Callicoon…

Etna Riverfront Trail & Park

Etna Riverfront Trail and Park Etna, Pennsylvania Services Master Planning Sustainable Design Public Engagement Cost Estimation Site Design and Construction Documentation Project Team Management Purpose To develop a Master Plan for a new riverfront park located between the river edge and railroad tracks. Develop construction documents and assist in Construction administration through multiple phases. Client…

Hazelwood Riverfront Master Plan

Hazelwood Riverfront Master Plan Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Services Master Planning Riverfront Public Space Design Sustainable Design Brownfield Reclamation Innovative Public Engagement Cost Estimation Purpose To develop a riverfront open space master plan located between the river edge and railroad tracks with preservation of industrial heritage. Client Almono LP Pennsylvania Environmental Council Subconsultants H.F.Lenz Company Cycle Forward…