Mt. Lebanon Comprehensive Parks Master Plan

Allegheny County, Pennsylvania


Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan Update
Public Engagement
Facilities and Open Space Inventory and Analysis
Administration and Personnel Analysis
Financing Analysis
Sustainability Strategy Development
Way-finding Recommendations
Parks System Analysis & Visioning


To update municipality-wide park and recreation master plan taking considerations of improving sustainability, addressing inclusiveness, and enhancing way-finding.


Municipality of Mt. Lebanon

Mt. Lebanon’s parks and recreation amenities provide a canvas for continued commitment to residents and stakeholders as the community upholds its livability and distinction. EPD Team’s expertise enfolded within the Municipality Parks Master Plan’s and Recreation Center Feasibility Study’s analyses and recommendations aims to provide Mt. Lebanon’s Officials, Staff, recreation stakeholders and community-at-large with the opportunity prioritize and pursue highest and best recreation uses and investments based upon community need. EPD closely works with the Municipality to establish priorities and responsible resource allocations to policies and capital improvements that will serve Mt. Lebanon’s next generations of park and recreation users.