Beaver Quay Park Concept Design

Beaver County, Pennsylvania


Conceptual Development
Community Engagement
Master Planning
Cost Estimation
Funding Source identification
Revenue-generating opportunity identification
Photo Simulation rendering


To improve outdoor recreation and leisure opportunities for children and adults.
To provide universally accessible features.
To create a space which enhances annual local events and downtown Beaver year round.


Beaver Borough

As a part of the Quay Park Conceptual Design Study, EPD took a full and complete look at the 2.25-acre park and all its amenities and adjacent land uses, ADA accessibility, multi-modal access/parking for events, revenue-generating features, along with cultural and natural resources. The project began with a public kick-off meeting which allowed residents and stakeholders an opportunity to express their desires and ideas for the future of Quay Park.

A performance space and food-truck area was included in each concept at the direction of the Steering Committee. As the project advanced, a series of concepts and estimation of costs were developed in order for the project Steering Committee to make informed decisions on the future of Quay Park, the performance space and food truck area.

The alternative concepts were created in order to explore character, ambiance, use of space and long-term maintenance needs. Each alternative handled the performance area and food-truck area in a different manner, and EPD explored the uses of these spaces during an event versus a Tuesday morning. These alternatives helped provoke discussion, evaluate possibilities and ultimately land on the ‘right-fit’ for Beaver Borough.

As of February 2021, the Borough is moving into detailed design to prepare for construction.