Elizabeth Township Comprehensive Plan

Allegheny County, Pennsylvania


Fiscal Analysis
Key Sites for Redevelopment
Comprehensive Planning
Project Team Management
Public Engagement


Create a comprehensive plan for Elizabeth Township.


Elizabeth Township

Elizabeth Township retained EPD as the lead consultant and planner for its first exclusive Comprehensive Plan with a focus on helping the Township better understand its unique strengths and opportunities.

The Plan will serve as the policy guide to manage future development, foster conservation practices, and improve municipal services. The Plan’s principles are founded on:

  • Promoting and improving the Township’s many open space assets
  • Restoration strategies for brownfields specific to abandon mined lands
  • Attracting commercial development to meet local demand
  • Promoting efficient and responsible fiscal practices
  • Enhancing public relations through online interactive channels

To best navigate the planning process during the Covid-19 pandemic, an online interactive (GIS-based) platform was utilized to inform and engage the public in a convenient and accessible manner.

Surveys, GIS mapping tools, info graphics, and plan text were all integrated into a seamless online experience. This process helped facilitate public engagement remotely while also providing the Township administration with a “refresh” public presence.